111RS Build
Let Us Build You the Ultimate Canyon Carver!
111RS Intro Video
What is a 111RS?
The 111RS is an Elise or Exige with the very best of our products. We improve nearly everything that matters to deliver a truly special sportscar. We take an already amazing car and refine it so every one of your senses will be enhanced! The 111RS is built to be the ultimate Canyon Carver that you can also take to the track. It may not be the fastest on track but it will annihilate your back roads without beating you to a pulp. In fact, we’d like to suggest this is a far more mature version of the S2 cars. The cosmetic upgrades also give the 111RS a subtle distinction that you can help direct.
Read the Robb Report review: HERE
Built engine by Mountune
Upgraded Suspension
Upgraded Brakes
Upgraded Shifter
Upgraded Exhaust
Rebuilt Gearbox
Much, much, more
Customize to your specs